you're expecting
a baby!
Quitting smoking is important for a healthy pregnancy and to give your child a good start.
We know it’s tough to quit, but with our support you’re 3 x more likely to quit for life.
How we can help
With so many ways to quit smoking, we’ll find what works best for you.
We have helped many pregnant women to stop smoking with our mixture of free nicotine patches, chewing gum, lozenges, vape starter kits and free personalised specialist support can make it easier for you (and your loved ones) to quit for good.
Take your first step to a smoke free future for you and your baby. Get help to quit today or speak to your midwife to find out more.
Myth busters.
Fact: There are no safe levels of smoking. Every cigarette you smoke releases chemicals that harm you and your baby.
Fact: Smoking in pregnancy is more harmful to you and your baby than the stress of quitting. Free, personalised specialist support is available to help you through your journey and achieve your goal.